Company Mission Statements & Devlopment

Hp: Create technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere.

Qualcomm: Inventing the tech that makes the world loves.

Thermo Fisher Scientific: Enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer.

  • All companies strive to make the world a better place
  • All of them offer products or services and try to create products that everyone wants
  • Try to create a life changing generational impact on people and the world such as 99% of the world’s smartphones use Qualcomm’s technology

Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • 100,000+ employees
  • 7,000+ R&D scientists
  • $1.5 billion in R&D spending
  • More than 40 Billion in revenue

R&D and Bring Tech To Market

  • Before a product is released, it goes through a process that evaluates if the market is right for the product work with the scrum master to bring the product to market
  • The ability to make a product that is marketable allows them to go to market with a product that ready to be adopted

Dev Ops

  • Create controls to prevent denail of service attacks on company infraestructure
  • Manage the deployment of software on the internet
  • Working with virual servers while trying to data collection and automation

Valuable Skills

  • Continous learning as boredom happens quickly
  • Take available courses
  • Try to teach your self new skills with avaiable online resources
  • Don’t be super concerned about the things that you read online
  • Endless number of unfilled positions that can be taken
  • Be adpative and be able to transition to new industries
  • Best technical people listen to the requirements and think how technology can solve the requirments and then translate into layman’s terms

Agile Methodology

  • Differnet companies use different variations of the agile methodology
  • Large groups planned meetings for the qaurter no matter how big or large the project was a good way to coordinate with othee engineers
  • Working agile from a technnical project is important always do short sprints focus on one to three month sprints
  • Agility is a highly regarded skill in the industry

Machine Learning

  • The ability to predict sales before sales happen
  • Predict harvest and bad harvests through weather predictions
  • To save costs when it comes to data storage and the hosting of repositories

Biggest Challenges in Tech Industry

  • Aquistions in the tech industry results in the need to be adaptive and have continous learning
  • Interviews are series of timed ranodom questions is difficult

Worklife Balance

  • Varies accross the industry you have the position to negotiate some companies are good some aren’t however can be personal preference
  • Could say during interviews that you want offers or you want time to be able to work on your self

Formal Training

  • Reason as all tools are custom and all things need to be need to be taught
  • So training programs are created to teach the tools and the processes
  • Tools like fanagle are custom to companies like Twitter and build tools like a monorepo and need to be naviagble to do your job

Benefits of Technical Skills ex. coding

  • Devlops a way of thinging and how to disect and build something creates critcal thinkging skills and how to problem solve
  • Interviewers are looking for people who can problem solve and explain why the reached the conclusion they did
  • Gives people the ability to think methodically

What do you want to learn?

  • Web3 and blockchain technology
  • AWS and Google Cloud at a larger scale

Coding and Finance?

  • Allows to understand algorythms and predictive analytics