App Lab Quiz
Quiz Made With App Lab On
- To create a quiz with a unified visual aesthetic with colors that look appealing when used in unison.
- To create a quiz that can have a combination of both free response and multiple choice questions.
- To create a quiz that can be replayed indefinitely and still have scoring function.
- To create a quiz that can be added to have multiple modes.
- Was able to make a quiz that could be looped through the use of functions to restart the quiz using functions to rerun the quiz to remove previous runs when replayed.
- Was able to create an appealing visual design.
- Was able to create multiple modes without losing functionality of any aspect. (Second Quiz is only present to show case the capability of running multiple quizzes in one project.)
- Was able to have both free response questions and multiple choice, by using if else statements to check the answer of a free response question.
- Was able to use functions to remove frequently used code (Data Abstraction).
- Had issues with the first implementation of looping with the functions not working correctly on the first implementation. Allowed me to discover to make a function to allow for ending as the ending procedure wasn't present on all endings for the question both right and incorrect answer.
- Had issues with creating a scoring system that was consistently functional, simplified the scoring mechanism by using a single variable as a way to measure the correctly answered questions.
- Had issues with starting the quizzes the quiz looped around. Which allowed me to to discover a solution to run all quiz functions as soon as mouse movement was detected on starting page allowing all functionalities of all quizzes present to work.