Submission 1

Reporting Category Scoring Criteria Description
Program Function & Purpose 1/1


  • Input

  • Program Functionality

  • Output


  • Purpose

  • Function

  • Input & Output description

Shows the program running and shows the output for the program. Also showcases the purpose and function of the program.
Data Abstraction 0/1
  • 2 Code Snippets with data collection

  • Name of list is correctly identified

  • Data is correctly Identified

Two different code segments and the list name RPS is correctly identified however the second segment doesn’t show data being accessed
Managing Complexity 0/1
  • List being used to manage complexity

  • Explains how program could be written differently without the use of the list

List doesn’t manage complexity as it can be rewritten without the list being used. The alternative list-free program doesn’t have increased complexity than the one that uses the list.
Procedural Abstraction 0/1
  • Procedure with 1+ parameters

  • Procedure Description + contribution

There is a student-made function with 1 or more parameters however how the function contributes to the program is not properly explained
Algorithm Implementation 1/1
  • Code has student made algorithm showing iteration, selection, and iteration

  • Explain how the algorithm works and to the detail that someone else could recreate it

Has a student developed function that has iteration and selection also states how the algorithm works to the ability that anyone can recreate it.
Testing 1/1
  • Two different Function calls

  • Describes condition being tested

  • Identified the result of the call

Describes two different function calls with different parameters and then the function also correctly described the conditions test and the results were properly identified.

Submission 2

Reporting Category Scoring Criteria Description
Program Function & Purpose 1/1


  • Input

  • Program Functionality

  • Output


  • Purpose

  • Function

  • Input & Output description

Shows the program running and shows the output for the program. Also showcases the purpose and function of the program.
Data Abstraction 1/1
  • 2 Code Snippets with data collection

  • Name of list is correctly identified

  • Data is correctly Identified

Two different code segments and the list name letOfGuessWord is correctly identified and the data that is stored is also accurately identified
Managing Complexity 1/1
  • List being used to manage complexity

  • Explains how program could be written differently without the use of the list

List is used to store data in order to manage complexity and how not using the list would be inefficient in order to achieve the program function
Procedural Abstraction 1/1
  • Procedure with 1+ parameters

  • Procedure Description + contribution

There is a student made function called GuessWords with 1+ parameters. Also properly describes what the purpose of the program is and how it contributes the overall program.
Algorithm Implementation 1/1
  • Code has student made algorithm showing iteration, selection, and iteration

  • Explain how the algorithm works and to the detail that someone else could recreate it

Has a student developed function that has iteration and selection also states how the algorithm works to the ability that anyone can recreate it.
Testing 1/1
  • Two different Function calls

  • Describes condition being tested

  • Identified the result of the call

Describes two different function calls with different parameters and then the function also correctly described the conditions test and the results were properly identified.

Submission 3

Reporting Category Scoring Criteria Description
Program Function & Purpose 1/1


  • Input

  • Program Functionality

  • Output


  • Purpose

  • Function

  • Input & Output description

Shows the program running and shows the output for the program. Also showcases the purpose and function of the program. And the purpose and input are properly described
Data Abstraction 0/1
  • 2 Code Snippets with data collection

  • Name of list is correctly identified

  • Data is correctly Identified

Data is incorrectly identified in the list StateList the name is correctly identified both snippets don’t show data collection.
Managing Complexity 0/1
  • List being used to manage complexity

  • Explains how program could be written differently without the use of the list

Does not properly explain how the program could havve been written without a list and why it would have been more complex.
Procedural Abstraction 0/1
  • Procedure with 1+ parameters

  • Procedure Description + contribution

Function UpdataScreen has no parameters and the program is not properly explained in the manner in which functions and how it contributes the to overall function
Algorithm Implementation 0/1
  • Code has student made algorithm showing iteration, selection, and iteration

  • Explain how the algorithm works and to the detail that someone else could recreate it

Has a student developed function that has sequencing and selection however there is no iteration also there is little to no explanation of the function of the algorithm.
Testing 0/1
  • Two different Function calls

  • Describes condition being tested

  • Identified the result of the call

The function does not have a parameter and operations are described not the parameters. The response is not shown and is only described.

Submission 4

Reporting Category Scoring Criteria Description
Program Function & Purpose 1/1


  • Input

  • Program Functionality

  • Output


  • Purpose

  • Function

  • Input & Output description

Shows the program running and shows the output for the program. Also showcases the purpose and function of the program.
Data Abstraction 1/1
  • 2 Code Snippets with data collection

  • Name of list is correctly identified

  • Data is correctly Identified

Two different code segments and the list name fishtypes is correctly identified and the data that is stored is also accurately identified
Managing Complexity 1/1
  • List being used to manage complexity

  • Explains how program could be written differently without the use of the list

List is used to store data in order to manage complexity and how not using the list would be inefficient in order to achieve the program function
Procedural Abstraction 1/1
  • Procedure with 1+ parameters

  • Procedure Description + contribution

There is a student made function called “clone+movement+range” with 1+ parameters. Also properly describes what the purpose of the program is and how it contributes the overall program.
Algorithm Implementation 1/1
  • Code has student made algorithm showing iteration, selection, and iteration

  • Explain how the algorithm works and to the detail that someone else could recreate it

Has a student developed function that has iteration and selection also states how the algorithm works to the ability that anyone can recreate it.
Testing 0/1
  • Two different Function calls

  • Describes condition being tested

  • Identified the result of the call

Specfic arguments are not described and the arguments that are passed through. The conditions tested are described however it doens’t correlate to the parameters in the function.